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(VF 30) 1774 Maryland, Colonial Currency $2 Dollars

Home | Colonial Currency | (VF 30) 1774 Maryland, Colonial Currency $2 Dollars

(VF 30) 1774 Maryland, Colonial Currency $2 Dollars

SKU: 14472



  • " Signed and numbered in black ink. On the front are representations of two Spanish milled dollars, the Maryland arms and three engraved border cuts with the bottom margin typeset. As a secret anti-counterfeiting mark there is a dot over the 'a' in "Rate". On the back is an upside down nature print containing leaves and branches. At the stem of the leaves are the initials "I.G." for Jonas Green. These nature prints has originally been designed for and used in the January 1, 1767 emission, which had been printed by Jonas Green. In this 1774 issue, the printers, Anne and Frederick Green, used the prints unchanged. On the back the bottom line of text has been set upside down."

    Serial # 14949  April 10th 1774

  • Material: paper
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